diving.DE - Werner Kiesewetter

motivated, enthusiastic, intoxicating


Werner is the owner and founder of diving AKASSIA and holds some shares in diving CARNELIA, too. He has discovered diving more than 20 years ago now and has started working as professional 10 years ago. He is PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer and has logged an unbelievable number of dives at the Red Sea. Assumable Werner knows every coral around diving AKASSIA reefs and can explain any diving spot at Red Sea.

Before settling in Egypt and founding the centre diving AKASSIA (prev. Water World Diving Center) Werner has been working as dive instructor in Thailand and Croatia. Diving – his passion – is now his profession and still a hobby.

His love for the sea motivated him to quit his job in a high position and to exchange the office for the wide world and later for the desert at Red Sea.

Within diving.DE group Werner takes responsibility of communication, both towards our business partners as well as towards our customers and guests. Being involved into small-talks at all time he seems to be present at any corner of the diving centre, too.

In his free time he enjoys listening to music or the peace and relaxation when taking his dog for a walk. Werner, too, adores going around the world to explore new places and diving spots.


diving.DE -
diving is our passion

diving Quseir
El-Quseir, Egypt
at Silver Beach Hotel
7 km north of el Quseir

Tel.:   0020 122 241 6251
E-mail:   info@diving.de