motivated, enthusiastic, intoxicating


The story behind diving.DE is a company story of a different kind and till today people wonder about this story when we tell it. “And that worked out?” they ask. And then we nod and say: “Yes, it did. We are just a bit different than the others.”

The clue is that diving.DE never has had neither a real one-person-founder, nor a patriarch, nor an autocrat. diving.DE is a company with many owners and is rather a community with many ideas. Each one of us contributes his strengths, and his weaknesses are covered by the other owners’ strengths. All owners have known each other for years and till today we are more concerned about our friendship and our team rather than about the business interests.

Business meetings are rather a kind of “happenings” than real conferences. We go together through bad times and celebrate together our best times. Fun has always been and still will be our main element.

The story begins back in 1996 on the island of Cres in Croatia when Nicole and Mirko bought the shares of the diving centre that we have been operating till today. That was also the place where both of them earned their first experience as diving centre managers, though they have been already working as dive instructors before. The remaining owners of diving.DE met in these first years, unless they have already known each other long time before 1996.

In 2001, our first diving centre in Egypt named Waterworld-Divingcentre (nowadays diving AKASSIA) was established by Werner.

In 2004 followed the diving centre and shop Dive Saloon in Schwabach (Franconia, Germany).

In 2007 we opened our diving.DE Carnelia in Carnelia Beach Resort.

In 2008 weopend a diving centre in Flamenco Beach Resort and diving FLAMENCO was born.

But of course, not everything goes smoothly in life and we, too, had to survive two failures. We weren’t lucky with diving.DE Lanzarote and diving.DE Sao Tome (a tiny island in front of West-Africa) and since then we have been “afraid” of the Atlantic. After all we have already “sunken” two diving centres there.

But setbacks just energise and so in 2015 with diving CANDIDASA on Bali, the island of the gods, the first diving.DE base in Asia has been added.

Since the summer of 2018, diving.DE is now also to be found on another continent in addition to Europe, Asia and Africa. Dirk and Bettina have been offering cave diving at the very best for years. Diving in the world famous Cenotes is a dream of many divers and the two fulfill this dream. Incidentally, we already know Dirk from the early days of Cres.

We hope the story of diving.DE does not stop here. It’s important for us that we are present on-site and that we can live the life that we all have been dreaming of with you both above and under the water.


diving.DE -
diving is our passion

diving Quseir
El-Quseir, Egypt
at Silver Beach Hotel
7 km north of el Quseir

Tel.:   0020 122 241 6251